
Symposium Groupe UT

Technological Systems, Sustainability and Safety (TS3)

Guy Deniélou, founder of the Universities of Technology (UT) in France, defined "Technology is the name science gives itself when it is interested in applications developed for man and by man". On the other hand, in their DNA, UT have always carried out technological, interdisciplinary research capable of understanding the interactions of technology with man and society, to develop products and innovative technologies of the future responding to the current and future  socio-economic challenges of tomorrow. The UT are therefore well placed to conduct research on technological systems and in particular on the following dimensions of these systems: understanding, design, control, maintenance, diagnosis, lifetime, reuse or recycling ...

The symposium TS3 "Technological Systems, Sustainability and Safety" which will take place on February 6th & 7th 2024 at Sorbonne University, with the participation of the 3 UT and the MSTD initiative (Master of Safe and Sustainable Technological Systems) of the Sorbonne University Alliance, aims to present the latest research activities as contributions to address the necessary transitions due to global warming, by taking into account the energy consumption, the digital transformations, the preservation of biodiversity and the impact of changes on people life. Contributing papers are expected in the fields of Materials, Health, Energy, Industry of the future, Transport and Mobility, Bioeconomy, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence & Data Sciences …

In the framework of this symposium will present research actions emanating from the UT in relation to energy, ecological and societal transitions. Participation (researchers, doctoral students, engineering students, masters, doctoral students) is encouraged.

Important Dates

Submission opening:  november 27th, 2023

Submission deadline: 9 january 9th, 2024    january 16th, 2024

Inscription deadline:  13 janvier 2024            january 19th, 2024

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